© Priory Methodist Church Bedford - All Rights Reserved 2014 Registered Charity Number 1127751
We are pleased to welcome several clubs, groups and activities who use our premises on a regular basis. They provide the Church with much needed income and in return we offer them a clean, warm and excellent venue for their activity. Listed below is brief information about most groups and, where possible, contact details. Alternatively, please contact Sue in the Church Office
Opus 18 Community Choir - Come and have a lot of fun singing and make some new friends. The choir meets on Monday evenings in term time from 7.45-9.45pm. For further details view the website: www.opus18communitychoir.org.uk Bedford Group of the Wildlife Trust- are a group of people who are concerned with supporting the work of the Wildlife Trust by promoting an interest in and greater understanding of the environment. They hold illustrated talks on the second Wednesday of the month from September to April in the Church hall starting at 7-30 pm and finishing by 9-15. There is no charge although they welcome donations and any profit goes towards the work of the Trust. All are welcome but children must be accompanied by an adult. Further details can be found under 'Events' on the Trust website www.wildlifebcn.org or by phoning Betty Cooke (Chairperson) on 01462 851954. Hearts in Beds - A self help group started by people with heart problems to help others with the same problems meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month. Tel: 01234 327791/ 01234 325014 or email tednmary.jolliffe@tiscali.co.uk. Website: http://heartsinbeds.pbworks.com FLAG (Bedford) - Friendship, Link & Action Group is a social group for adults with learning, physical and/or sensory disailities who meet on Thursday afternoons. Tel: 07815 196357 or email flag25@hotmail.co.uk or view the website: www.flagbedford.org Diabetic Education Group - two diabetic education groups meet at different days/times. Please contact Trudi.Williamson@bedfordhospital.nhs.uk for further details Carers in Bedfordshire is a local charity supporting unpaid family carers of all ages from 4-90 years. They hold a cafe session on the fourth Saturday of the month between 1 - 5pm to help carers cope with the emotional and physical stresses arising from their caring. For further information please contact Nikki Brandon on 0300 111 1919 or visit their website www.carersinbeds.org.uk Yoga - Create Health and Well Being on Mondays 2:00pm. £5 for a one hour session. Drop in, mixed ability. Please bring a mat. Text or phone June Hannigan 07551290364 or email: juandhannigan@yahoo.co.uk
Regular Users of the Premises
Registered Charity Number 1127751
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