© Priory Methodist Church Bedford - All Rights Reserved 2014 Registered Charity Number 1127751
Contact Church Office 01234 353523 E-mail TBA
Our Minister
Registered Charity Number 1127751
Rev Leslie Noon Hello! I moved to the Circuit in August 2022 after serving as a Minister in Huddersfield and Swansea. Ministry is clearly a good way of getting to live in some wonderful parts of the UK – Bedfordshire included! My ‘thing’ is about taking the Bible seriously but not literally, and using love to interpret how we understand the Bible (rather than using the Bible to define how we understand love). I have a dog called Wookie who is generally in charge and a husband called Geoff. I believe that chocolate is the answer to all of life’s problems. I have primary pastoral responsibility for the Methodist Churches at Beeston, Priory (Bedford), Sandy, Trinity (Biggleswade) and Cardington LEP.
Contact Church Office 01234 353523 E-mail leslie.noon@northbedsmethodist.org.uk