The traditional leadership of a Methodist Church consists of the Minister, Church Council Secretary, “Our Calling” leaders for ‘evangelism and worship’ and one member without portfolio. The Worship Stewards - perform all the tasks needed to make Sunday worship run smoothly. The Priory Leadership TEAM (PLT) - responsible for vision and strategy. The remit of the PLT is to be collectively responsible for: The establishment of strategy based on the vision for the church Reviewing current activities to ensure they are relevant to the vision Discouraging activities counter to the way forward as outlined in the vision and shaping and encouraging those which meet accepted objectives Cross linking activities between Worship, Learning & Caring, Service, Evangelism Taking account of opinions expressed by members of the congregation Members of the PLT are appointed by the Annual Church Meeting and report to the Church Council.
© Priory Methodist Church Bedford - All Rights Reserved 2014 Registered Charity Number 1127751
Leadership Team
Registered Charity Number 1127751