© Priory Methodist Church Bedford - All Rights Reserved 2014 Registered Charity Number 1127751
Easter Day 2020 Virtual Service
Registered Charity Number 1127751
Click on the image to start the video file. You may be asked if you want to Open or Save the file. Choose Open.
Due to technical problems upload delayed Due to technical problems the videos have been temporarily disabled. Should be back to normal this evening This Service incorporates our Annual Church Meeting Due to holidays, Sunday 25th Service will be uploaded when a suitable WiFi has been found. Please be aware that due to annual holiday, the service on Sunday 15th August will not be uploaded until the evenimg of Tuesday 17th August. Sincere apologies but we are  experiencing technical difficulties uploading this service.
Weekly Diary
Apologies for the delay.Due to technical difficulties the uploading of the service will now be on Monday or Tuesday. Apologies for the delay.The uploading of the service will now be on Monday evening. Due to Technical difficulties Todays uploading of the Service has been delayed until Monday evening Apologies but please note that the Service for 4th September willnot be available until later on Monday 5th September. Click here to watch Service Technical Prolems have delayedthe uploading of todays service,please try again  Monday evening.Sorry for the inconvenience. Apologies for the delay.The uploading of the service will now be on Monday evening. The Service for the 16th July is a joint Service at Putnoe Heights at which there is no video facility. Sorry for the inconvenience.  The video for the following week will resume as normal. Apologies for the inconvenience but due to annual holidays, there will be no recorded services available until the first week of September when normal service will be resumed.
Sorry but due to lack of suitable WiFi connection whilst on holiday, this service cannot be uploaded until Friday.