More photographs will be added as and when they become available. Click on photographs to enlarge.
Easter 2012 - the Easter Garden at the front of the worship area.
The Lenten Cross Victory over death on the cross The Stone is rolled away The Stone is rolled away The Stone is rolled away The Stone is rolled away The Easter Cross - Christ is Risen The Stone is rolled away Lectern Cloth - Alleluia - Christ is Risen
Diamond Jubilee Fun Day 2012
Craft Club Dec 2012 - having fun modelling Christmas figures with marzipan
French Café July 2012
Messy Church Dec 2012 - enjoying their meal with the knitted Nativity figures.
March 2012 - Presentation of cheque to Karibuni Trust - Priory’s fund-raising project for 2011-12
March 2013 - Images from the Easter trail story - a joint venture with St Mary’s and Holy Cross churches
Dec 2012 - The beautiful 3ft high Nativity Figures and the smaller knitted figures made by Hazel and her team of helpers
April 2013 - Presentation of cheque to Bedford Open Door
Eileen Davis (centre) presenting Rev M Jones and Michael Carr with the cheque.
Aug 2013 - Open Garden in Biddenham in aid of Methodist Women in Britain’s project
October 2013 - Visit of National Methodist Youth Brass Band for Concert and for the Sunday Service.
March 2014 - Easter Story Trail at Priory
June 2014 - Concert for Zimbabwe Victims’ Support Fund featuring Bedford Town Concert Brass
August 2014 Presentation of Cheque
© Priory Methodist Church Bedford - All Rights Reserved 2014 Registered Charity Number 1127751
Dec 2014 - Knitted sheep in Castle Road shop windows
Registered Charity Number 1127751
December 2016 - Beautifully knitted figures tell the Christmas Story and displayed in the worship area.
Angel Gabriel tells Mary of the forthcoming birth.
Mary & Joseph travel to Bethlehem for a census.
No room at the Inn but they are offered a stable.
Shepherds are told of the birth of Jesus.
Wise men follow a star to the birth in the stable.
The shepherds and wise men all visit Jesus in the stable.
December 2016 Nativity Service - All Age Worship
April 2017 - Palm Sunday Procession Goldington Churches Together
October 2017 - children’s work from Food & Fun Club
Streets of Jerusalem
Disciples in the Upper Room - Last Supper
Garden of Gethsemane
Palace of Pontius Pilate
Streets of Jerusalem
The Crucifixion
The Empty Tomb Christ is Risen!
Garden of Gethsemane
March 2018 - Easter Trail at Priory
6th November 2019
Winning team at the 6th Day Event Quiz
July 2019 50th Anniversay
Remembrance Day 2019
Easter 2020
Priory Cross
Easter 2021
Priory Cross & Tree of Love and Tears
Pompoms of Promise Tree
Easter Story during Covid
Tree of Love and Tears
December Food & Fun